Friends of the Struble Trail
    People helping together to support the Struble Trail and its environment

Need an Extra Pair of Hands?

        Hi, I’m Alex Maclay and I play the alto sax.  During the last marching band season, I was invited to participate in a program entitled American Music Abroad (AMA), scheduled for this summer.  This program takes American music students to major cities in Austria, Germany, France, and Switzerland over a period of 18 days to play six different concerts at incredible venues and visit magnificent areas of Europe.  Though visiting these locations is possible at any time during one's life, performing for European audiences is a truly singular opportunity. As with many exciting chances, this trip will cost money.  Since finding a steady job is difficult with my band commitments, schoolwork, and family commitments, I’m looking to help you with pretty much anything you need an extra pair of hands for.


  • Snow Shoveling
  • Lawn Mowing
  • Splitting and/or Stacking Firewood
  • Other Misc. Yard Work (if you have the required tools)
  • Babysitting
  • Christmas Tree Decorating / Take-down
  • Any other projects with which you could use my help


  • Rates vary between $6 and $10 per hour depending on the task (tree decorating will be cheaper than splitting wood)


  • Give me a call and I can connect you to people who have used my services in the past.

You can give me a call on my home phone (listed below) to make an appointment.  Please schedule all appointments at least two days in advance to guarantee a time.  Thank you in advance for your support!

Note on affiliation with Friends of the Struble Trail:  Friends of the Struble Trail was a family project; I am just piggybacking on their website.

Alexander Maclay
115 Gottier Way
Downingtown, PA 19335
(610) 942-9043